Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Long overdue post and 22 weeks?

I am a complete slacker! Not really, but I feel like one.  It's been a while since I've updated.  But I think I have pretty good excuses.  I worked all week long, then a friend of ours came into town and stayed with us for a few days.  Before he left, my parents visited! It was a fantastic week with them! When they had to leave, I had to go back to work.  But here I am finally updating.

Since having our anatomy scan and finding out Tanner is measuring 2 weeks ahead I was wondering how I would do these updates.  I would get my update emails saying he should be 10.5 oz when two weeks prior he weighed 13-15 oz.  I had finally figured out I would just give a general update on how I was feeling and how Tanner is growing and moving.

I had my monthly appointment today and not only did the ultrasound results look great, he truly is measuring way ahead so tanner is now due on November 30th, not December 10th.  It was so neat to think I was 20 weeks pregnant...half way...and then find out I get to skip two whole weeks!  I am 22 weeks pregnant exactly today.  So now my update day is Wednesday, not Saturday.

I am feeling pretty good most days, just some slight nausea here and there.  I can't stand the fact that I have to eat every few hours or else I feel sick...the scale hates the fact as well.  I was so overwhelmed at what the scale said today. Let's just say it's a lot more than I planned.

I am having a lot of swelling already.  By my 2nd and 3rd day working my ankles no longer exist.  I am also worried I am going to have to remove my rings before too long.  I'm going to up my water intake and try to stay off my feet when I can (which is going to be hard because I can feel my nesting instinct wanting to start up).  My doctor doesn't seem worried at all about it, so that helps a little.

Tanner is moving around all day and night!  I absolutely love the feeling!  I'm starting to feel kicks higher and higher on my belly.  I'm also able to feel him from the outside more often now.  If Nick puts his cheek to my belly he gets kicked too. :)

I love shopping for Tanner!  We've gotten so much already, which will be a separate post, I promise! I can imagine what the nursery is going to look like, and I am so excited!

Well, sitting here thinking about eating often to keep myself from getting sick, and watching Food Network is making me hungry.  So I will post a couple bump pictures from this week and last week since I was a slacker.

This first picture is from last week.  We spent the day outside in the 100+ degree weather looking at the different planes our base has.  I was so hot and so thirsty by the time we got home.  I plopped down on the couch and couldn't move.

This next picture is today at 22 weeks. 

Oh, and by the way, Tanner is the size of a spaghetti squash! :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Team Blue!

I am so happy right now!  I had the anatomy scan this afternoon, and I can officially start referring Baby as Tanner! That's right, it's a BOY!  My intuition was right!

The ultrasound went very well! I enjoyed every minute of it, and it was a long 60 minutes!  The ultrasound tech was great and told us what we were looking at and made jokes here and there. I was also able to find out for certain that the little kicks I'm feeling actually are kicks. It was incredible to see Tanner kick and move while feeling him do it! 

We got measurements of his brain, femur, heart, and abdomen.  All measuring him to be a little over 20 weeks!  He must have had one big growth spurt, because I'm only 18 weeks 5 days.  If my doctor decides to change my due date (since it's over 10 days difference) he will be due December 1st.  

We were able to see the ventricles in his brain and heart, everything looked great.  We were also able to see his little bladder and kidneys.  

The ultrasound tech said he likes to move in weird shapes.  He was on his head for a little while, and a strange "yoga position".  She then asked if I've been getting kicked in the ribs yet because apparently his little legs are up under my right ribs. That surprised me! I didn't think he was that big yet, but I guess if he's measuring 20 weeks, he's the size of a cantaloupe. 

I am so in love! And of course Nick is happy he gets to buy the plane bedding he has been eyeballing.  

Here are two profile shots. The first he has his hands by his face.

Here Tanner is all curled up.  I am so sure he curls up like this so he can kick me. :) I love those kicks!

Two pictures of the front of Tanner's face.  We were able to have one picture we picked to be printed large, we picked this first one.

And the proof he's a boy.  He's not shy at all! It was very easy to spot!

I am so blessed!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

18 Weeks!

This week baby is the size of a sweet potato! And sweet potatoes sound amazing right now!

I'm really starting to feel more pregnant every day.  And I think my belly is rounding out more.  I obviously look more pregnant now than just fat because I got my first stranger comment last night at dinner.  Our waitress said congratulations to me and I asked "what?", she then said "baby?" and made an outline of a baby belly on herself.  I realized what she was talking about then and said thank you to her.  She then began to ask when I was due, and whether we know if it's a boy or a girl. After she walked away I told Nick I would be too nervous to EVER ask someone if they are expecting.  He said she probably breathed a sigh of relief when I said thank you.

I am so incredibly excited for this upcoming week! Thursday we will have our anatomy scan!  We will be able to see if baby's heart, skull and bones are all there and developing on track.  We also get to find out if I've got a little boy or girl in there! I am so happy I am working Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday! It will make the time go by faster!

How far along? 18 weeks 1 day

Due Date:  Dec. 10

Total weight gain/loss:
 Up 1 this last week, a total of 11 :( (I don't eat a whole lot when I'm at work, so I suppose it is just the growing baby...)

Maternity clothes? More than not.  I need to get more maternity scrubs.  I can hardly fit in my normal ones now. 

Sleep: Pretty good.  I have at least one day a week where I don't sleep.

Best moment this week: Has to be when Nick felt the baby kick for the first time!

Movement: Every day I feel it! Last night was amazing! I felt a hard kick/jab, so I grabbed Nick's hand and put it on that same spot.  The baby then kicked the hardest I have felt yet, and Nick got to feel it the same time I did. I love that!

Food cravings: Still ribs.  I think I have some every week. lol Oh, and also Ice water. It helps when I'm feeling nauseous.

Food aversions: Brushing my teeth has gotten a little better. I only gag once or twice now when I taste toothpaste.

Symptoms: I pee ALL.THE.TIME. 2-3 times a night.  
 We find out on Thursday!!!!!!! (I'm thinking boy)

Labor Signs: None yet

Belly Button in or out? Still in, I haven't noticed any difference yet.

What I miss: Being comfortable when I'm just sitting or laying down

What I am looking forward to: Absolutely the anatomy scan on Thursday! Then we go to the city on Friday to pick up a dear friend at the airport and we're going to do a lots a little shopping! And the following week my parents come to visit!!! I'm loving July!
Milestones: Kicks that can be felt on the outside!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Is there such a thing as a sympathy craving? If so, I think my husband has it.  All I wanted was the milky way bar...

17 weeks

How far along? 17 weeks 4 days

Due Date:  December 10

Total weight gain/loss:
 9 pounds total

Maternity clothes? Oh yes! 

Sleep: Pretty good so far

Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat last week!

Movement: Everyday! I love it!

Food cravings: ICE cold drinks, BBQ ribs

Food aversions: Absolutely, 100% toothpaste! I can NOT stand to brush my teeth!

Symptoms: Still gaging on a bunch of weird smells. Getting nauseous when I don't eat every few hours.
 We will find out in a week! July 14th!

Labor Signs: Nothing yet, thank goodness!

Belly Button in or out? Still in

What I miss: Being comfortable, I feel so wide lately.

What I am looking forward to: Our big anatomy scan on the 14th! 
Milestones: I think feeling movement everyday is a pretty big milestone!

Baby is the size of an onion this week! And from the baby center: baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.