Thursday, August 29, 2013

18 Weeks and TOMORROW!

My appointment was on Tuesday, and it went great!  My blood pressure was 108/47 (which is my normal, just like with Tanner. If you were reading back when I was blogging about being pregnant with him you'll remember how I knew I was creeping up on pre-eclampsia because of my blood pressures)

I still haven't gained any weight.  And actually I've lost it.  I guess that happens when you can't eat much.  And on that note, I was able to get a new prescription for zofran!  Hopefully I won't have to refill this one. 

Baby's heart rate was 160! Tanner's was mostly always in the 140s.  This was such a great time.  I haven't felt the baby move in a week so knowing it was fine was such a relief.  And it was the first time I got to hear the heart beat!  My last appointment, my doctor couldn't find it and we had to have a quick ultrasound.  

TOMORROW is the day I've been looking forward to for a month (since I found out the appointment date).  It's anatomy scan day!  I hope baby cooperates and lets us see if it's a he or a she.  But most importantly, I hope we can get a good measurement and see that baby is healthy!


***Edit to add: this is my 200th POST! Crazy!!!***

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